
Wirreanda Secondary School is seeking to develop a more positive and caring school culture and to enhance partnerships between school, family and community in order to improve the physical, emotional and social wellbeing for students, improve student engagement, achievement and success in learning, and improve capacity to effect behavioural change for students.

Wirreanda Secondary School’s Learner Wellbeing Centre (LWC) provides access to allied health professionals such as a GP, Psychologist and mental health services, community service consultants, youth workers, school counselling, case management and other professionals in the youth sector. The Learner Wellbeing Centre is a purpose built space within the school to include reception services, consulting rooms and meeting spaces for young people and their community of care to respond to barriers that may be impacting their physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual state of being – all integral to effective learning.

The LWC has the following key aims:

1.       Increase positive health behaviours, knowledge, attitudes and skills – School health and wellbeing instruction helps young people improve their health knowledge, avoid specific risk behaviours and develop related life skills including communication and interpersonal skills, decision making and critical thinking skills as well as coping and self-management skills.

2.       Improve social outcomes – School health and wellbeing projects can provide opportunities to build positive social interactions and foster the development of students respect, tolerance and self-discipline. The projects can increase the likelihood that young people will become productive, well-adjusted members of their communities.

3.       Improve education outcomes – Students who have better health and wellbeing are able to perform better at learning and ultimately acquire more years of education.

Framework – The LWC is based on the Learner Wellbeing Framework developed by DECD .

Wirreanda Secondary School is supplying the essential services to equip our students with skills and capabilities that have been demonstrated to have a beneficial impact on the wellbeing of students.  The focus is on five measurable elements that together holistically contribute towards wellbeing as identified by Martin Seligman through decades of research and thought on the science of human flourishing. These elements, easily remembered as PERMA, are:

1.       Positive Emotion (of which happiness and life satisfaction are aspects)

2.       Engagement

3.       Relationships

4.       Meaning

5.      Achievement


  1. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the staff involved in the Learner Wellbeing Centre for their dedication and perseverance to ensure the Wellbeing of the Wirreanda Secondary School Community. It has been an amazing journey to date and one that I know has only just begun!

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